Article I – Name and Affiliation
Section I This Organization shall be known as the Men’s Club of Sparrows Point Country Club.
Article II – Purpose
The purpose of this Organization shall be:
Section I
To create camaraderie amongst fellow male members.
Section II
To develop activities enhancing the use of the facility for all seasons generating revenues for Sparrows Point Country Club.
Section III
To stimulate and promote membership for Sparrows Point Country Club.
Article III - Membership
Section I
The Organization shall consist of male members of Sparrows Point Country Club.
Section II
Requirements for membership in this Men’s Club shall consist of an active membership of Sparrows Point Country Club and be twenty-one (21) years of age.
Section III
Membership in this Men’s Club will be terminated if the current full year’s dues have not been paid in full by February 1st.
Article IV - Officers
Section I
The elective / appointed officers of this association shall be:
a. President
b. Vice-President
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
e. Interpreter
Article V – Duties of the Officers
Section I
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Organization, be a member ex-officio of all committees, and appoint all committees. The President shall have the right to fill any vacancies of the Executive Committee for the remaining term.
Section II
The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the latter.
Section III
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all the meetings and conduct all correspondence. He shall provide all provisional members with the necessary publications of the Organization including the Constitution and By-Laws. The secretary shall assume the chair in the absence of both the President and the Vice-President.
Section IV
The Treasurer shall collect all dues and fees, discharge financial obligations and provide the Organization with a Written Treasurer’s report at each meeting.
Section V
The Interpreter shall be responsible for the interpretation of the Constitution and the By-Laws, spearhead the adjudication of all disputes within the Organization.
Article VI – Committees
Section I
There shall be the following committees:
a. Membership
b. Entertainment
c. Golf
Section II
Any additional committees may be appointed at the discretion of the President.
Article VII – Audit
Section I
The Organization treasury will be subject to an annual audit.
Section II
The Treasurer will make arrangements for and present an authenticated report.
Article VIII – Amendments To The Constitution
Section I
A proposed amendment must be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least one week prior to a scheduled meeting. The Secretary will read it to the membership at the meeting
Section II
A majority vote, when at least twenty percent (20%) majority vote of the active members in good standing are present at the voting meeting, is required in order for the amendment to be accepted.
- Details
- Written by: Matthew Brown
- Category: Governing Docs