Article I – Meeting and Quorum
Section I
There shall be a minimum of two (2) meetings held during the period from January through November. The first meeting shall be known as the Annual Meeting at which time all old business carried over from the previous year shall be disposed of and plans for the coming year discussed. The last meeting shall be known as the Business Meeting at which time there shall be disposition made of applicants and provisional members. At every Annual Meeting conducted during an odd numbered calendar year, there shall be an election / appointment of new officers. The Annual and Business Meetings are open for all members.
Section II
Twenty percent (20%) of the active members shall constitute a quorum.
Section III
The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, may call special meetings.
Article II – Voting Privileges
Section I
Each active member in the Organization in good standing is entitled to one vote.
Section II
Definition of good standing:
a. Payment of dues for the coming year.
b. Payment of all other assessments and fees.
Article III – Nominations and Elections
Section I
All nominations of elected / appointed officers shall be presented to the Board Membership not later than the meeting prior to the Business Meeting; election / appointment of these officers shall be for a two (2) year term and take place at the Business Meeting. The elected / appointed officers shall take office at the conclusion of the Meeting.
Section II
If any circumstances arise which necessitate a special election / appointment, said election or appointment shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
Article IV – Dues, Assessments and Fees
Section I
The membership year shall be from February 1st to January 31st.
Section II
Annual dues for Active Members shall be $100.00 (Non-Refundable)
Section III
Delinquent payment of any sort shall be a subject to a fine of five dollars ($5.00).
Article V – Duties of Committees
Section I
The Executive Committee shall arbitrate all grievances, investigate all complaints received by the President and shall recommend appropriate action on the same through the President to the Organization.
a. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Interpreter, Immediate Past-President, and the three (3) members-at-large.
b. The Executive Committee (members at large) shall consist of one official from the Membership Committee, Entertainment Committee, and Golf Committee.
Section II
The Membership Committee shall process new applicants, promote the Organization, and recruit new members.
Article VI – Amendments to the By-Laws
Section I
The procedures required amending these By-Laws follow:
a. A proposed amendment must be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least one week prior to scheduled meeting.
b. The Secretary shall notify the Organization members of such proposed amendment by reading it to the membership at the next scheduled meeting. This notification shall include the date of the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be presented to the members to vote. The voting meeting shall be the next Annual Meeting unless the Executive Committee determines that it is desirable to hold such voting meeting earlier than the next Annual Meeting.
c. A majority vote, when at least twenty percent (20%) of the active members in good standing are present at the voting meeting, is required in order for the amendment to be accepted.
By - Laws
- Details
- Written by: Matt Brown
- Category: Governing Docs